Grid Autosport No Longer Available
Grid Autosport for PC has gone the way of Grid 2 and Grid. I don’t know whether it is because of licenses expiring or whether they are trying to push sales of the newest Grid game, but Grid (2019) is the only game in the series that is available right now. As good as Grid (2019) is, it is also quite different from Grid, Grid 2 and I dare say (I have not played it) Grid Autosport.
For one, Grid (2019) is missing the Mount Panorama Bathurst track. I don’t know about Grid Autosport, but the Mount Panorama Circuit is awesome in Grid and Grid 2. Grid (2019) is also more focused on traditional racing. The only event types I have seen are race and time attack. No drifting or extreme overtakes here.
Oh well. It’s Grid (2019) or get a different racing franchise.

At the time of writing, it looks like Grid 2 and Grid Autosport are still available from the below shops, but I don’t know how reliable they are. They are also priced at a premium for old games.
Grid 2 is also still available at Fanatical.
Except for Grid 2 Reloaded Edition, it does not look like you can get the DLCs anywhere.
I do wonder if GameSessions will return with my full freebie library which has got Grid Autosport.